Thursday, September 1, 2016

Age of Romanticism Response Post

The introduction presents Romanticism as a response to the events of the time. The French Revolution caused a dramatic shift in world view. Things that people had always accepted as unchangeable parts of their realities were called into question. People realized that just because something always had been doesn't mean it always should be. The effects of the Industrial Revolution were also being felt for better or worse. It gave some the chance to move up in the world (although with some resistance) and threatened the very livelihoods of others.  All of this change in the air was reflected and further explored by the writers of the period. The introduction mentioned Mary Shelley's most famous work, Frankenstein, which is a great example of the works of this period. It can be read as many things such as thoughts on education or an examination of the relationship between man and the natural world. It was a time of possibilities, change and reflection.

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